Yahoo! UI Library:: Event

Yahoo! UI Library:: Event

The Event Utility facilitates the creation of event-driven applications in the browser by giving you a simplified interface for subscribing to DOM events and for examining properties of the browser's Event object. The Event Utility package includes the Custom Event Object; custom events allow you to "publish" the interesting moments or "events" in your own code so that other components on the page can "subscribe" to those events and respond to them. The Event Utility package provides the following features:

  • Flexible method of attaching event handlers to one or more elements
  • Automatically defers attaching handlers to elements that are not yet available
  • Automatic scope correction
  • Automatic event object browser abstraction
  • Ability to include an arbitrary object to be sent to the handler with the event
  • Utility methods to access event properties that require browser abstraction
  • Automatic listener cleanup
  • A mechanism for creating and subscribing to custom events



Getting Started

<!-- Namespace source file -->

<!-- Event source file -->

Eventコンポーネント YAHOO.util.Event. で定義されます

Basic Events

To attach an event handler to the DOM, use this code:

var oElement = document.getElementById("elementid");
function fnCallback(e) { alert("click"); }
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oElement, "click", fnCallback);

These lines of code:

Declare a variable oElement and assign a specific element in the DOM to that variable.
Define a callback function, fnCallback(e), to handle the specified event.
Call the addListener method on the Event object to bind an event to the DOM element. The addListener method takes three arguments: the element the event is bound to (oElement), the event to bind (click), and the function callback (fnCallback).

To attach an event handler by element ID, use this code:

function fnCallback(e) { alert("click"); }
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("elementid", "click", fnCallback);
This example is the same as the first except here the elementid is the id attribute of the targeted DOM element (a string value). The Event component attempts to find the DOM element by this id value.

To attach an event handler to multiple elements, use this code:

var ids = ["el1", "el2", "el3"]; // array can contain object references, element ids, or both
function fnCallback(e) { alert(; }
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(ids, "click", fnCallback);
These lines:

Declare an array of ids for the element IDS. The array can contain string IDs or object references.
Define a callback function, fnCallback(e), to handle the specified event.
Call the addListener method on the Event object to bind an event to the DOM element. In this case the first argument to the addListener method is the ids array rather than a single element or ID.
See the examples below in Using Event and Using CustomEvent or the API Documentation for more details.



var oElement = document.getElementById("elementid");
function fnCallback(e) { alert("click"); }
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oElement, "click", fnCallback);


①イベントと結びつく要素 -> oElememnt
②イベント ->click
③コールバック関数 ->fnCallback

要素IDを使って、イベントハンドラをセットするには こんな書き方をします

function fnCallback(e) { alert("click"); }
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("elementid", "click", fnCallback);



var ids = ["el1", "el2", "el3"]; // オブジェクトのリファレンス、要素のIDのどちらかを配列に入れる
function fnCallback(e) { alert(; }
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(ids, "click", fnCallback);

②コールバック関数 fnCallback(e)定義します。イベントを指定してハンドリングできます。

*ID "el1" , "el2" , "el3" を"click"するとコールバック関数が呼び出されます。コールバック関数の引数(e)は、addListener()メソッドによって呼び出された要素の参照を含んだ「イベントオブジェクト」です


Using Event

This section describes several common features and uses of the Event component.

  • Handler Attachment Deferral
  • Automatic Scope Correction
  • Automatic Event Object Browser Abstraction
  • Send an Arbitrary Object to the Event Handler



  1. ハンドラとりつけの延長
  2. 自動のスコープ訂正
  3. イベントオブジェクトとブラウザ(window.event.)の分離
  4. イベントハンドラにはどんなオブジェクトでも渡せる

1.Handler Attachment Deferral

If you attempt to attach a handler to an element before the page is fully loaded, the Event component will attempt to locate the element. If the element is not available, Event periodically checks for the element until the window.onload event is triggered. Handler deferral only works when attaching handlers by element id; if you attempt to attach to a DOM object reference that is not yet available, the component has no way of knowing what object you are trying to access.


ページ読み込みが完了する前に要素にハンドラをセットしようとすると、Eventコンポーネントは要素の場所を探そうとします。もし要素がまだ定義されていない場合、Eventは定期的に要素があるかどうかを window.onloadイベント中にチェックします。ハンドラセットの延長は要素IDを使ってハンドラセットをやろうとしているときだけに機能します。まだ宣言されていないDOMオブジェクトのリファレンスを使おうとした場合、コンポーネントには あなたがアクセスしたいオブジェクトを知るすべをもちません。

<body>より前にJavascritpを記述して、getElementById()メソッドを使おうとすると 指定したHTML要素が定義される前にJavascriptが実行されてしまうので、未定義エラーがでます。このエラーのトラップ機能として使えるみたいです。

2.Automatic Scope Correction

Event handlers added with the attachEvent or addEventListener methods are executed in the window scope, so using "this" in your callback references the window object. This is not very useful. By default, the Event component automatically adjusts the execution scope so that "this" refers to the DOM element that the event was attached to. However, the event subscriber can override the scope so that "this" refers to the custom object that is passed into the addListener call.



*attachEvent() IE
*addEventListener() firefox , operaなど
要素に「リスナー」をセットするメソッドです。ここら辺の「DOMイベントハンドリングモデル」についての詳しいことは羽田野さんの書いたAJAX Webアプリケーション アイデアブックを見るとすっごい分かりやすく書いています。

3.Automatic Event Object Browser Abstraction

The first parameter your callback receives when the event fires is always the actual event object. There is no need to look at window.event.



4.Send an Arbitrary Object to the Event Handler

It is common in OO JavaScript development to have a custom object listen for an event, access internal properties and execute internal methods in response. Since the event handler is executed in the scope of the element, the custom object properties are not available through the "this" property as one might expect. You can work around this in a number of ways: by creating closures, or creating circular references between your custom object and the element. The Event component enables you to pass your custom objects directly to the event handler so you do not have to use any of these (potentially leaky) methods to gain access to that custom object. Pass your custom object as the fourth parameter to the addListener method, and that object is passed in as the second parameter to your callback function:

function MyObj(elementId, customProp, callback) {
   this.elementId = elementId;
   this.customProp = customProp;
   this.callback = callback;

MyObj.prototype.addClickHandler = function() {
   YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.elementId, "click", this.callback, this);

function fnCallback1(e, obj) {
  // the execution context is the html element ("myelementid")
  alert( + " click event: " + obj.customProp);

function fnCallback2(e, obj) {
  // the execution context is the custom object
  alert("click event: " + this.customProp);

var myobj = new MyObj("myelementid", "hello world", fnCallback1);

// One way to add the handler:

// This will do the same thing:
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("myelementid", "click", fnCallback1, myobj);

// If we pass true as the final parameter, the custom object that is passed
// is used for the execution scope (so it becomes "this" in the callback).
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("myelementid", "click", fnCallback2, myobj, true);



function MyObj(elementId, customProp, callback) {
   this.elementId = elementId;
   this.customProp = customProp;
   this.callback = callback;
MyObj.prototype.addClickHandler = function() {
   YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.elementId, "click", this.callback, this);

function fnCallback1(e, obj) {
  // 実行コンテキストはHTML要素の ("myelementid")
  alert( + " click event: " + obj.customProp);

function fnCallback2(e, obj) {
  // 実行コンテキストは、カスタム・オブジェクトになる
  alert("click event: " + this.customProp);


var myobj = new MyObj("myelementid", "hello world", fnCallback1);

// イベント追加の方法その①

// 上と同じ意味
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("myelementid", "click", fnCallback1, myobj);

// 最後の引数に"final"を渡すと、関数に渡されるカスタムオブジェクトが
// 実行スコープで使われる(つまり"this"がコールバックになる)
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("myelementid", "click", fnCallback2, myobj, true);

Using CustomEvent

This section describes several common uses of the CustomEvent component, with examples. CustomEvent component enables you to define and use events not available by default in the DOM.

  1. Defining a Custom Event
  2. Subscribing (Listening) to a Custom Event
  3. Creating a Callback
  4. Triggering the Event



  1. Custom Eventの定義
  2. カスタムイベントの待ち受け(リスニング)
  3. コールバックをつくる
  4. イベントのトリガのやり方

1.Defining a Custom Event

To define a custom event type, create a new instance of CustomEvent:

// custom object
function TestObj(name) { = name;
    // define a custom event
    this.event1 = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("event1", this);

The CustomEvent constructor creates a new custom event and takes two parameters. The first parameter is the type of event. This string is returned to listeners that receive this event so that they know what event occurred . The second parameter is the scope the listeners should fire from. The scope is "window" by default, but if you create custom events for your custom objects, you usually want to set the context to your custom object so that the scope of "this" is something more limited and useful than window.

The event subscriber can override the scope so that "this" refers to the custom object that was passed into the subscribe call.



// カスタムオブジェクトのコンストラクタ
function TestObj(name) { = name;
    // イベントの定義 ->CustomEventコンストラクタの呼び出し
    this.event1 = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("event1", this);



2.Subscribing (Listening) to a Custom Event

To subscribe to a custom event, use the Subscribe method:

// a custom consumer object that will listen to "event1"
function Consumer(name, testObj) { = name;
    this.testObj = testObj;
    this.testObj.event1.subscribe(this.onEvent1, this);

In this example, event1 is the custom event object that was created in the previous section. Use the Subscribe method to listen to that event. The Subscribe method takes two parameters. The first is the callback; the second is a custom object you can define (See Send an Arbitrary Object to the Event Handler). When the event is triggered the callback is called and the custom object is passed to that callback as the second argument (the first is the event type "event1").



// "event1"をリッスンする(待ち構える)カスタムオブジェクト
function Consumer(name, testObj) { = name;
    this.testObj = testObj;
    this.testObj.event1.subscribe(this.onEvent1, this);


3.Creating a Callback

To create a callback for a custom event:

Consumer.prototype.onEvent1 = function(type, args, me) {
    alert(" this: " + this +
          "\n " + +
          "\n type: " + type +
          "\n args: " + args +
          "\n " +;

In this example the type argument is the event type ("event1" in this case), args is an array of all of the arguments that were passed to the custom event's fire mechanism, and me is the custom object we passed in when we subscribed to the event.




//プロトタイプメソッド ->インスタンスメソッドとしてのコールバック?
Consumer.prototype.onEvent1 = function(type, args, me) {
    alert(" this: " + this +
          "\n " + +
          "\n type: " + type +
          "\n args: " + args +
          "\n " +;

4.Triggering the Event


To trigger or fire a custom event:

// random test data to be used as an event argument
function TestData(data) { = data;

// create an instance of our test object
var t1 = new TestObj("mytestobj1");

// create the event consumer, passing in the custom 
// object so that it can subscribe to the custom event
var c1 = new Consumer("mytestconsumer1", t1);

// create a data object that will be passed to the consumer when the event fires
var d1 = new TestData("mydata1");

// fire the test object's event1 event, passing the data object as a parameter;

In this example t1 is the test object we created, event1 is the CustomEvent instance and d1 is our test data. This example produces the following output:

 this: [object Object] mytestobj1
 type: event1
 args: mydata1 mytestconsumer1



// イベントの引数になる適当なデータを作るコンストラクタ
function TestData(data) { = data;

// テストオブジェクトのインスタンスを作る
var t1 = new TestObj("mytestobj1");

//カスタムイベントオブジェクトに渡すevent consumerオブジェクト

var c1 = new Consumer("mytestconsumer1", t1);

// イベントが起こった時、consumerオブジェクトに渡されるデータを作る
var d1 = new TestData("mydata1");

// event1イベントを発生させます。dataオブジェクトをパラメータとして渡す;


this: [object Object] mytestobj1
type: event1
args: mydata1 mytestconsumer1