【ヤフー・デザパタの訳まとめ↓】 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hiboma/20060217 Yahoo!デザパタの訳をまとめてあります。併せてご覧ください(未完成ですが・・・) Writing a Review Problem SummaryUser wants to share her opinion with others about an object (…
ぼちぼち勉強再開。 Rating An Object Problem SummaryA user wants to quickly leave their opinion on an object, with minimal interruption to any other task flow they are involved in. EXAMPLE: Rate a restaurant on Yahoo! Local
http://developer.yahoo.net/ypatterns/pattern_searchpagination.phpSearch Pagination Problem SummaryThe user needs to view a set of search results ranked by relevance that is too large to easily display within a single page. EXAMPLE: Paginat…
Item PaginationProblem SummaryThe user needs to view data items from a potentially large set of sorted data that will not be easy to display within a single page. EXAMPLE: Pagination control for Yahoo! 360 blogsUse When There is more infor…
http://developer.yahoo.net/ypatterns/pattern_moduletabs.phpModule TabsThe user needs to navigate through one or more stacked panes of content without refreshing the page. EXAMPLE: Module tab navigation from Yahoo! News
http://developer.yahoo.net/ypatterns/pattern_breadcrumbs.phpBreadcumbsProblem SummaryThe user needs to be able to navigate up (towards the root page) and have an understanding of where she is in relation to the rest of the site. EXAMPLE: B…
【Yahoo! Design Pattern Library】 http://developer.yahoo.net/ypatterns/index.php 【Module Tabs】 【Navigation Tabs】 【Breadcrumbs】 【Item Pagnitations】 【Rating an Object】 3/10追加 【Writing a Review】3/11追加 少しずつやっていきます。 …
Yahoo! UI Libraryの訳を一通り終えたので(修正すべき箇所はたくさんあるんですけど・・・)、今度はデザインパターンをちょこちょこ訳して見ます。正直、すごい訳しにくいな・・・無理に訳さないでそのまま英語で呼んだ方が意味内容を理解しやすいかもしれないで…